

Producer Image 1
Next Generation Foods, Olivehurst, CA
Contact: Michael Bosworth and Andrew Brutlag
City: Olivehurst, CA,
About Us
Rue & Forsman Ranch, Inc. was formed in 1946 by Frank Rue and John Forsman. They began raising beef cattle in the 1940's after graduating from UC Davis and Stanford respectively. Soon after forming the partnership, they bought a ranch approximately 10 miles south of Marysville, CA. Frank Rue raised his family on the ranch.

His son, Michael Rue, came back to the ranching business after finishing his degrees at UC Davis. Michael decided that the clay soils on the ranch would be suitable for rice production and he began farming rice on the ranch in 1974. In order to diversify our farming operation, we began farming rice organically in 1997. Today, we have 271 acres certified organic by the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) certification agency. Although Frank and John are no longer with us, their legacy lives on with the Rue & Forsman Ranch, which is owned and operated by our family.

We are committed to building long-term relationships with our customers and providing them with a great product and unparalleled customer service. We strive to be good stewards of the land so that future generations can have the opportunity to live the rewarding life that our family treasures.
CCOF Certified Organic